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BPC Processing has launched Sandbox

Sandbox is a virtual environment where you can test the basic functionality of SmartVista, such as solutions for card management, before going live. The platform allows you to register a client, issue a virtual card, set limits, as well as transfer funds from card to card (P2P) - all transcations are in a testing mode. In addition to processing solutions, the platform also enables e-commerce solutions: online payments, merchant’s portal, etc.

Sandbox from BPC Processing is a completely free tool where customers can test the functionality they want to implement in details. What's important is that clients can determine exactly what they need to solve current business problems, what exactly will help to improve the UX, and finally, what will remain optional. BPC Processing's Sandbox is a secure environment for testing SmartVista's payment solutions.

BPC Processing is a Dubai based company, which aims to ensure and secure payments. BPC Processing has significant expertise in international projects of any complexity and is ready to implement innovative solutions for the bank. The company offers a full range of processing services based on the SmartVista integrational platform.

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